Hoe een ro-rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallatie te kiezen en hoe een ro-rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallatie te gebruiken?

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11 mei 2022


Our team of sewage treatment specialists works with all types of sewage treatment plants, and can install systems tailored to your situation. The following are some of the most common installations we come across and carry out


Systemen voor actief slibproces (ASP) gebruiken elektriciteit om lucht in ruw, ongeregeld rioolwater te blazen. Dit verplettert de vaste stoffen om een biologische 'soep' te ontwikkelen. Beluchting stelt de van nature voorkomende bacteriën in afval in staat om alle organische inhoud te verteren, waardoor het totale niveau van verontreinigende stoffen wordt verminderd. ASP-rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallaties hebben geen primaire bezinkkamer, wat betekent dat ze minder vaak worden geleegd en minder ongewenste geuren hebben.

Once the sewage has been aerated for long enough, excess liquid is discharged into a clarification chamber, where live bacteria settle to the bottom. Dead bacteria rise to the top, leaving clean water in the middle – which can then be discharged safely into either a watercourse, drainage field or soakaway.

In a submerged aeration filter, a primary settlement chamber holds solid material. This is where anaerobic digestion by bacteria takes place. Clarified water then passes into a second chamber containing a submerged media – and here, the water is treated to remove dissolved constituents by aerobic bacteria, supported by diffused air. This process ensures that full treatment is achieved before the material flows to a final settlement chamber. The final, treated wastewater is discharged to the drainage field, watercourse or soakaway.

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